Periodic Table Flashcards #1 - Available in 42 languages

Periodic Table Flashcards #1 - Available in 42 languages
Play and learn the periodic table with the printable flash cards. The set includes 118 element flash cards in high resolution PDF format and SVG formats. Download and print them on a PC or Mac.
Flash cards helps you to commit the elements to your memory. Parents and teachers can create fun activities and use them to teach chemistry.

The PDF file has 30 pages and each page has 4 cards. Each flash card shows the atomic number, symbol, name and atomic weight of the element

Try to print the flashcards on cardstock paper for a nicer feel and longevity. Print the flash card on one side and the file 000 Cover.pdf on the other side of the flashcard.

Size: A4

Text and colors in SVG files can be edited using vector editing software such as Adobe Illustrator or Inkscape
Formats: SVG, PDF
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Licensed for personal use only, not commercial use. The flashcards can be shared with friends and family but may not be resold.
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